
Portfolio Manager

PorfolioManager240 Launch   Portfolio Manager at first launch

  • All project files are saved via the Portfolio Manager.
  • Upon installation of BlackTrax, the BlackTrax Portfolios folder is created to your default drive where saved project files for BlackTrax, BTWYSIWYG, and Motive are automatically saved.
  • The Portfolio Manager displays the list of saved Portfolios.
  • The Portfolio Manager displays the name of the currently opened Portfolio.
  • Project History (.btbak) backup files are automatically generated when a project is saved manually or in Auto Save. The backup files are saved in the Project History folder that is automatically created in the BlackTrax Portfolios folder.
  • In the Portfolio Manager, you can:
    • Add a new Portfolio.
    • Duplicate a Portfolio.
    • Delete a Portfolio.
    • Sort the displayed list of Portfolios.
    • Import a file(s) into new Portfolios.
    • Update a file(s) in Portfolios.
    • Open a Portfolio folder.
    • Launch a Portfolio.
    • Close a Portfolio.

Note: All references to Motive folders, files, and steps will only apply if the Legacy Mode checkbox in the Sensor section of the System Configuration widget is not selected. The Legacy Mode checkbox is selected by default when BlackTrax opens for the first time. For more information on Legacy Mode, see Sensors Section in System Configuration. Legacy Mode is only accessible in BlackTrax 2.5.0 and newer.

To add a portfolio

  1. In Portfolio Manager, click the Add (+) button.
    • Result: The New Portfolio dialog box appears.
  2. Type the name of the new Portfolio in the Portfolio Name box.
    • Result: 
      • The new Portfolio folder is added to the BlackTrax Portfolios folder and the name is added to the list of Portfolios in Portfolio Manager.
      • The new BlackTrax project file (.btprj) and the Project History folder are created in the BlackTrax folder in the new Portfolio.
      • A new BTWYG project file (.btwyg) is created in the BTWYG folder in the new Portfolio.
      • A new Motive profile (.motive), Calibration file (.cal), Recording folder, and Calibration Archive folder are created in the Motive folder in the new Portfolio.

To duplicate a portfolio

  1. In Portfolio Manager, select the Portfolio that you want to duplicate.
  2. Click the Duplicate button.
    • Result: The Duplicate Portfolio dialog box appears.
  3. Type the name of the duplicate Portfolio in the Portfolio Name box.
    • Result: 
      • The duplicate Portfolio folder is added to the BlackTrax Portfolios folder and the name is added to the list of Portfolios in Portfolio Manager.
      • BlackTrax, BTWYG, and Motive files are renamed and saved into the new Portfolio.
    • Note: Project History is not duplicated.

To delete a portfolio

Note: A Portfolio that is currently in use cannot be deleted.

  1. Close BTWYSIWYG. Portfolio Manager will not delete the files if BTWYSIWYG is open.
  2. From the list of Portfolios displayed in Portfolio Manager, click on the Portfolio that you want to delete.
    • Result: The selected Portfolio is highlighted.
  3. Click the Delete button.
    • Result: The selected Portfolio folder and all the BlackTrax, BTWYG, and Motive files in the folder are deleted from the BlackTrax Portfolios folder.

To sort the displayed portfolios by name

  1. In Portfolio Manager, click on the drop-down arrow and choose the Sort: Name drop-down menu.
    • Result: The list of Portfolios will be displayed in alphabetical order.

To sort the displayed portfolios by date

  1. In Portfolio Manager, click on the drop-down arrow and choose the Sort: Date drop-down menu.
    • Result: The list of Portfolios will be displayed with the most recent Portfolio on top and the oldest Portfolio at the bottom.

To import a file(s) from a portfolio

BlackTrax, BTWYG project files, and Motive calibration files can be imported into new Portfolios. When importing files, the user does not need to import all file types. If no file is imported for a given section, the template file will be used for that portion of the Portfolio.

  1. In Portfolio Manager, click the Import File(s) button.
    • Result: The Import File(s) dialog box appears.                                                            ImportFile  
  2. Type the new name of the Portfolio in the Portfolio Name box.
  3. Select the BlackTrax Project checkbox to include the BlackTrax files that will be imported and added to the new Portfolio.
  4. Click on the ellipsis button to browse and select the BlackTrax file.
    • Result: The link appears in the BlackTrax Project box.
  5. Select the BTWYG Project checkbox to include the BTWYG files that will be imported and added to the new Portfolio.
  6. Click on the ellipsis button to browse and select the BTWYG file.
    • Result: The link appears in the BTWYG Project box.
    • Note: The unchecked portions of the Portfolio will default to a new, empty file.
  7. Select the Motive Calibration checkbox to include the Motive Calibration file that will be imported and added to the new Portfolio.
  8. Click on the ellipsis button to browse and select the Motive calibration file.
    • Result: The link appears in the Motive Calibration box.
  9. Click Create Portfolio.
    • Result: 
      • BlackTrax and BTWYG projects that were imported into the new Portfolio open.
      • BlackTrax project, BTWYG project, and Motive calibration files are renamed and copied to the BlackTrax Portfolios folder.

To update a file(s) in a portfolio 

BlackTrax, BTWYG project files, and Motive calibration files of a Portfolio can be updated or replaced with the Update File(s) button. Updated files will be placed in the appropriate folders under the correct name for the selected Porfolio. You can browse for new BlackTrax, BTWYG, and Motive files which will replace the current files in the Portfolio.

Note: BTWYG must be closed to replace a BTWYG file.

  1. In Portfolio Manager, select the Portfolio that you want to update.
  2. In Portfolio Manager, click the Update File(s) button.
    • Result: The Update File(s) dialog box appears.                                                                  Portfolio Manager   Update Files  
  3. On the Update File(s) dialog box, select the BlackTrax Project checkbox to enable access and browse the BlackTrax files in Portfolios.
  4. Click on the ellipsis button to browse and select the new BlackTrax file that will replace the current file in the current Portfolio.
    • Result: The link appears in the BlackTrax Project box.
  5. Select the BTWYG Project checkbox to enable access and browse the BTWYG files in Portfolios.
  6. Click on the ellipsis button to browse and select the new BTWYG file that will replace the current file in the current Portfolio.
    • Result: The link appears in the BTWYG Project box.
  7. Select the Motive Calibration checkbox to access and browse the Motive calibration files in the Portfolios.
  8. Click the ellipsis button to browse and select the new Motive calibration file that will replace the current file in the current Portfolio.
    • Result: The link appears in the Motive Calibration box.
  9. Click Update Portfolio.
    • Result: BlackTrax project, BTWYG project, and Motive calibration file in the current Portfolio are updated with the selected new files.

To open a portfolio folder

  1. In Portfolio Manager, select a Portfolio.
  2. Click the Open Folder button.
    • Result:
      • The folder of the selected Portfolio opens in the browse dialog.
      • The name of the open Portfolio is highlighted in blue in the Portfolio Manager window.
    • Note: By default, all BlackTrax Portfolios folders are saved in C: > BlackTrax Portfolios > Portfolio Name > BlackTrax, BTWYG, Motive folders.

To launch a portfolio

  1. In Portfolio Manager, select a Portfolio.
  2. Click the Launch Portfolio button.
    • Tip: You may double-click the selected Portfolio.
    • Note: If you have Outputs that are assigned to NICs that do not exist on the current machine, a dialog box will appear asking you to select a new NIC.
      1.  On the NIC dialog box, click on the drop-down menu of the displayed outputs to change the NIC for each output.
      2. On the NIC dialog box, click OK.
    • Result:
      • The new NIC is assigned to the desired output.
      • All the BlackTrax and BTWYSIWYG files in the selected Portfolio open.
      • The Messages window of BlackTrax appears showing the most recent change in the state of the system.
      • New Portfolios open with 12 Trackables by default for BlackTrax and BTWYG.
  3. Click Apply Changes.
    • Tip: You can also select the Automatically Apply Changes when BlackTrax Starts checkbox in the System section of the System Configuration window.
  • Notes:
    • How the Portfolio Manager is displayed at startup depends on the Open most recent Portfolio when BlackTrax starts setting in the System section of System Configuration (on by default).
    • The Open most recent Portfolio when BlackTrax starts feature is disabled if a license check fails when opening the Main GUI.
    • BlackTrax always opens to the Edit View.
    • How BTWYSIWYG files open from the Portfolio Manager depends on the Launch BTWYG file with Portfolio setting in the System section of System Configuration (enabled by default).