
Using BTWYSIWYG as a Tracking Visualizer

Tracking data can be visualized in BTWYG. Viewing tracking data is useful for troubleshooting. Seeing fixtures and Trackables move in BTWYG based on the data helps determine if data is actually being transmitted. There could be problems in the BTSystem connections if there is no activity in BTWYG.

To visualize tracking data in BTWYSIWYG

  1. In BTWYG LIVE mode, from the Live menu, choose BlackTrax Panel to open the BlackTrax panel.
    • Result: The BlackTrax panel appears on the right side of the BTWYG window.                   BlackTraxPanel42  
  2. In the BlackTrax panel, select the BTX Mode checkbox to enable the option to connect with BlackTrax.
  3. Click Connect to activate the connection with BlackTrax, or click Disconnect to deactivate the connection to BlackTrax.
    • Note: The BlackTrax template file connects automatically to BlackTrax when opened.
  4. To customize how you interact with Trackables within Shaded view, select from the following options:
    • Display Mode: On this drop-down menu, select Beacon Focused or Trackable Focused.
      • Beacon Focused: Displays all LEDs and Centroids regardless of the Trackable patch in BlackTrax. This mode hides all objects attached to Trackables in BTWYG.
      • Trackable Focused: Displays only LEDs and Centroids that are actively patched to a Trackable in BlackTrax. This mode also displays objects attached to the Trackable in BTWYG.
    • Select Trackable Objects Only: Select this checkbox to choose only Trackable objects in the Shaded view of BTWYG.
    • Prefer Frame LEDS: Select this checkbox to display only Rigid or Soft Frame's LEDs and Centroids. When enabled, Classic and Mini Beacons will not be displayed in the Shaded view if they are currently assigned to a Rigid or Soft Frame.
  5. To set how the fixtures and their beams are displayed and selected in Shaded view, select from the following options:
    • Show Lighting For: On this drop-down menu, select which beams of the fixtures will be displayed.
      • All Fixtures: Displays all the beams of the fixtures in the BlackTrax project.
      • Tracking Only: Displays only the beams of the fixtures that are currently following Trackables.
      • No Fixtures: No beams of the fixtures will be displayed.
    • Calibrated Fixture Position: Select this checkbox to show the position of the fixture as calibrated by BlackTrax instead of using the BTWYG drawn position.
    • Show Beams With Stick: Select this checkbox to display the beams of light produced by the fixtures as stick beams with the corresponding colors indicating their tracking status.
      • Currently Tracking (Green): Select this checkbox to display only the stick beams of the fixtures connected and actively following a Trackable in a BlackTrax chapter. This stick beam appears in green color.
      • Currently Standby (Blue): Select this checkbox to display only the stick beams of the fixtures that are connected to the system and are set to follow a Trackable in a BlackTrax chapter. This stick beam appears in blue color.
      • Unassigned (Yellow): Select this checkbox to display only the stick beams of the fixtures that are connected to the system but not set to follow a Trackable in any BlackTrax chapter. This stick beam appears in yellow color. 
  6. Select the Enable Message Log checkbox to activate the message logging options.
    • Log To File: Select this checkbox to record the log information and automatically store into a file in the "bt_run_time" folder of your local drive.
    • Log Data: Select this checkbox to record the motion tracking information as it is displayed in the message box.
    • Clear Log: Click this button to clear the message box.


Viewing LEDs and Centroids in Shaded View of BTWYG

Viewing BT BTwyg

How LEDs of a Beacon are displayed in Shaded view:

  • An LED appears as a solid circle when in front of everything in Shaded view.
  • An LED appears as a circle outline when behind an object in Shaded view.
  • An LED appears in the color that is identical to the Beacon color in BlackTrax.
  • When an LED is selected, its color turns to white and the text label identification appears. For example, the screenshot (above) shows "L:101.4" which indicates LED of Beacon 101 and LED no. 4.

How Centroids are displayed in Shaded view:

  • A Centroid appears as a solid square object when in front of everything in Shaded view.
  • A Centroid appears as a square outline when behind an object in Shaded view.
  • A Centroid appears in the color that is identical to the Beacon color in BlackTrax.
  • When a Centroid is selected, its color turns to white and the text label identification appears. For example, the screenshot (above) shows "C:Whiteboard(101)" which indicates the Centroid associated with Beacon 101 is patched to the Whiteboard trackable.
  • When a Centroid is selected, the LEDs associated with the Centroid are automatically selected.
  • The Centroid appears with only a number if it is not patched to a Trackable.


Using the Trackables and Beacons Widget

The Trackables and Beacons widget is an easier, convenient and faster way to find and select LEDs and Centroids in the Shaded view of BTWYG.


To use the trackables and beacons widget

  1. In BTWYG LIVE mode, from the Live menu, choose Trackables and Beacons to open the Trackables and Beacons panel.
    • Result: The Trackables and Beacons panel appears and displays the list of Trackables, Beacons, and Frames associated with the connected BlackTrax project.
  2. In the Trackables and Beacons panel, click on the arrow at the far left of the list of Trackables, Beacons or Frame to expand or collapse the corresponding list below them.
  3. On the Trackables and Beacons panel, click on a single or multiple Trackables, Beacons or Frame to select in the Shaded view.
    • Result: In the Shaded view, the selected Trackable(s) or Beacon(s) or Frames will turn to white with the corresponding text label identification.

Note: You can activate Shaded View Selection by pressing TAB while in CAD, Design or Live mode > Shaded View. Once you press TAB, a purple message at the top right-hand corner of the Shaded view window appears: "Shaded View Select ON", and you may click on the objects in Shaded view to select. Please refer to the "Using Shaded View Selection" section in the current WYSIWYG Reference Guide.