
Programming Chapters

The Relationship section displays which Fixtures are assigned to which Trackables in the chapter. The Libraries widget displays Trackable and fixtures that are available.

Tip: You may use the unified selection methods for multiple selection.

  • Use Ctrl+A to select all.
  • Use Left-click to isolate the selection and deselect all the others.

To add a trackable to a chapter

  1. In the Chapter widget, select a chapter you want to add a Trackable to.
  2. In the Libraries widget, click the Trackables tab to view available Trackables.
  3. On the Trackables tab, select the Trackable you want to add.
  4. Click Add.
    • Result: A Trackable Container of the Trackable appears in the Relationship section for the chapter.
    • Note: Trackables can also be added to a chapter by dragging and dropping a Trackable from the Trackables tab into the top section of the center pane.
  5. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To delete a trackable from a chapter

  1. In the Chapter widget, select a chapter you want to delete a Trackable from.
  2. In the Libraries widget, click the Trackables tab to view available Trackables.
  3. On the Trackables tab, select the Trackable you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.
    • Result: The Trackable is removed from the Chapter.
    • Note: You can also drag and drop the Trackable back into the Library or click the delete button in the Trackable section.
  5. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To remove all trackables from a chapter

  1. In the Chapter widget, select a chapter where all Trackables will be removed from.
  2. In the center pane, select all Trackables in the Chapter.
  3. In the center pane, click Delete.
  4. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To assign a fixture to a trackable

When a Fixture is assigned to a Trackable, the BTSystem will instruct the fixture to follow the Trackable. Fixtures will only follow an assigned Trackable in the chapter they are assigned, and only when that chapter is active.

  1. In the Chapter widget, select a chapter that has a Trackable you want to assign a fixture to.
  2. In the center pane, select the Trackable bubble of the Trackable.
  3. View available fixtures by going to the Libraries widget and clicking the Fixtures tab.
  4. On the Fixtures tab, select a fixture you want to assign to the Trackable.
  5. Click Assign.
    • Result: A Fixture Box of the fixture appears in the bottom section of the center pane indicating it is assigned to that Trackable.
    • Note: Fixtures can also be assigned a Trackable by dragging fixtures from the Fixtures tab and dropping them onto a Trackable Container.
  6. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To unassign a fixture from a trackable

  1. In the Chapter widget, select a chapter that has a Trackable you want to unassign a fixture from.
  2. In the Libraries widget, click the Fixtures tab.
  3. On the Fixtures tab, select the fixture you want to unassign from the Trackable.
  4. Click Unassign.
    • Result: The Fixture is removed from the Trackable.
    • Note: Fixtures can also be removed from Trackables by dragging fixtures from the Trackable Box to the Libraries widget.
  5. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To copy and paste a trackable from a chapter to another chapter

  1. In the Edit Chapters widget, select a Chapter with the Trackable you want to copy.
  2. In the Chapter widget, click on the Trackable you want to copy.
  3. Click the Copy button.
  4. In the Edit Chapters widget, select another Chapter you want to paste the copied Trackable.
  5. In the Chapter widget, click the Paste button.
    • Result: The Overwrite dialog box appears.
  6. Click Overwrite to cut and paste the selected Trackable or click Keep to cancel the operation and keep the previous Trackable.
    • Result: The icon of the copied Trackable appears in the Chapter widget when Overwrite is selected.
  7. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To copy and paste the fixtures from a trackable to another trackable

  1. In the Chapter widget, click on the Trackable with the Fixture/s you want to copy.
  2. In the bottom section of the Chapter widget, click on the Fixture/s you want to copy.
  3. Click the Copy button.
  4. In the same Chapter widget, click on another Trackable you want to paste the copied Fixture/s.
  5. Click the Paste button.
    • Result: The Overwrite dialog box appears.
  6. Click Overwrite to cut and paste the selected Fixture/s or click Keep to cancel the operation and keep the previous Fixture/s.
  7. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.