
Trackable Settings Widget

Trackable Settings 11 14 17  Trackable Settings Widget


The Trackable Settings widget displays information on the selected Trackable, and where you can assign a Dynamic Zone to the given Trackable. Any BTBeacon or rigid frame assigned to the Trackable will inherit the Trackable’s settings, and function as directed.

Trackable Settings Dynamic Zones 11 14 17  Trackable Settings Widget with a Dynamic Zone assigned

Dynamic Zone Properties

From the Zone Assignment drop-down menu, you can choose any of the zones present in their file to become a Dynamic Zone for the selected Trackable. An icon will also be displayed beside the selected Zone name, displaying the shape of the currently selected zone (Rectangular Zone, Cylindrical Zone, or Spherical Zone).

Once a Zone is assigned as Dynamic, the Zone will no longer use the drawn (or Static) position for any Chapter. This can be confirmed in the Libraries Widget, under the Zones tab; the Dynamic checkbox will appear. A Dynamic Zone will follow the attached Trackable, and any interactions that are programmed for that Zone (fixtures dousing in or out for example) will be triggered depending on the Trackable's motion instead of the drawn WYSIWYG position.

By default, the Zone is centered around the centroid of the Trackable, but you can also offset the position of the Dynamic Zone on the X, Y and Z Axis relative to the centroid.

When Motion is Lost: The user can choose from 3 options for what the Dynamic Zone should do if the Trackable loses motion:

  • Keep Position: When the Trackable loses motion, the Dynamic Zone will remain in the last known position, and fixtures will interact with it in that position until motion is regained.
  • Assume Inside: When the Trackable loses motion, the fixtures assigned to the Trackable will assume they are inside the Dynamic Zone, and react based off the current Chapter programming.
  • Assume Outside: When the Trackable loses motion, the fixtures assigned to the Trackable will assume they are outside of the Dynamic Zone, and react based off the current Chapter programming.