
Terminal Widget

Fixture Train 240  Terminal Widget with Syntax for a "Fixture Train"


The Terminal widget is where you alter fixture following behavior to achieve unique effects.

Attention: Terminal commands affect specified fixtures across all Trackables in the chapter.

To enter a terminal command

  1. In the Edit View, select the chapter you want to affect.
  2. Open the Terminal docking widget.
  3. Click in the Terminal and enter the command.
  4. All commands must end with a semicolon.

Fixture Train Command

 Multiple fixtures can follow a Trackable one after the other creating a train or snaking effect. The parts of the command are as follows:

  • fixtures= - The fixtures following the Trackable.
    • Note:
      • The fixture is identified by the fixture ID used in BlackTrax.
      • Fixtures will follow in the order stated. Fixtures can be expressed as a range (e.g. fixtures=1-10), or listed individually (e.g. fixtures=1,7,20).
      • Fixtures must start and end with a square bracket [ and ] - see the example below
  • start= - The delay in seconds before the first fixture will start following the Trackable.
  • step= - The delay in seconds before a fixture will start following the fixture before it.
    • Example: If step=1s, Fixture 1 will follow the Trackable after 1s, Fixture 2 will follow Fixture 1 1s after that.
  • span= - The total time in s you want to delay all fixtures by. The delay between each fixture is determined by the number of fixtures divided by span time.
    • Example: If you have ten fixtures and the span is 10s, the delay between each fixture will be 1s.

Attention: You can only have a span= for the effect, or start= and step=. You cannot use both at once.

The following is an example of a complete fixture train command to demonstrate how it all comes together.

Example: delay fixtures=[1-10] start=1 step=1;

In this example fixtures 1 through 10 will follow the Trackable. Fixture 1 will start following 1s after the Trackable has started moving. Each subsequent fixture will follow the one ahead of it 1s after it moves.