
Saving the BTWYSIWYG Project

Once you have all the information on the Space that was created in BTWYG, the information must be saved as a BTWYG project file (.wyg).  Save will save the open BTWYG project to the same file name and location under which it was previously saved. If you are saving the project for the first time, this command will perform Save As..., which will save the current project with a new file name and/or a new destination.

To save the BTWYG project using Save

  1. In BTWYG, from the File menu, choose Save.
    • Result: The Save as window appears.
  2. In the Save as window, navigate to where you want to save the project file.
  3. In the File name field, type in the name of the project.
  4. Click Save.

To save the BTWYG project using Save As...

  1. In BTWYG, from the File menu, choose Save As.
    • Result: The Save as window appears.
  2. In the Save as window, navigate to where you want to save the project file.
  3. In the File name field type in the name of the project.
  4. Click Save.