BlackTrax requires that the patching information of the connected console be recorded in BTWYG. This will inform BlackTrax which console is in use and which ports will transmit information.
When a new BTWYG project is created from BlackTrax, DMX universes are automatically created and patched 1:1 by default.
You can also patch the DMX universes to a DMX console in the Device Manager window in BTWYG.
Note: The DMX console used in BlackTrax and displayed in the Device Manager window in BTWYG is an sACN device. This device will also work with Art-Net without any changes.
To patch the DMX universe to a console
- In BTWYG LIVE mode, from the Managers menu, choose Device Manager.
- Result: The Device Manager window appears.
- In the Device Manager window, click New.
- Result: The Library Selection window appears.
- Navigate through the console library until you find the console or device that you are connecting to. Click the console name to highlight it.
- Click Insert.
- Result: The console appears in the Device Manager window.
- With the console name still selected, click Properties.
- Result: The Properties window appears.
- From the Protocol drop-down list, select the protocol used by the console.
- Result: The console model is displayed in the Model field. The name of the console is displayed in the Name field.
- In the Address field, type the designated address of the console, if applicable.
- You must bind output ports from the console to BTWYG patch universes. Bind a Port output to the appropriate universe by clicking the Universe field next to the output.
- Result: A drop-down list of available Universes is displayed.
- Select the appropriate Universe from the list.
- Repeat the above steps to bind all ports to their appropriate patch universes.
- Click Close to close the Properties window.
- Click Close to exit the Device Manager window.
- Result: BlackTrax will know which console will be connected and which ports will transmit information
Device Manager with an Art-Net device and a BlackTrax console