
Output Options

The Output Options section is where Trackable data that is being sent can be altered.

Attention: The settings affect Output Modules that are sending data from BlackTrax, and applies to RTTrPM outputs.

Trackable Settings tab: Set tracking smoothing response for a single or multiple trackables. The Smoothing option is enabled when Acceleration and Velocity in the Output Modules is selected.

OutputOptionsTrackableSettings  Trackable Settings tab

  • Smoothing: Set how fluid the XYZ values of the Trackable become.
    • Use the slider and the scroll box to adjust the range of fluidity from Smooth to Responsive, to set the range between -4 to +2. Both slider and the scroll box correspond to the same perimeter.
    • A more smoothed Trackable will result in less jitter going to the third party, and can help smooth out less than ideal calibrated volumes, but it will introduce a slight delay as well.

To set the smoothing response of a selected trackable

  1. On the Output Modules tab, select the Acceleration and Velocity checkbox and clear the Output Raw Position checkbox.
    • Result: Smoothing is enabled on the Trackable Settings tab.
  2. On the Sending Trackables section, select a single or multiple Trackable(s).
  3. On the Trackable Settings tab, use the Smooth to Responsive slider or click the scroll box to set the range of fluidity between -4 to +2.
    • Result: The smoothing range that was set is displayed in the Smoothing column of the Sending Trackables section.

Output Modules tab: Select which data to send through the selected output module.

OutputModules241  Output Modules tab

  • Send: Select the checkboxes to choose the output connection data that will be sent through.
    • LED: Select this checkbox to send BTBeacon LED data.
    • Centroid: Select this checkbox to send BTBeacon Centroid data.
    • Orientation: Select this checkbox to send BTBeacon orientation data.
    • Timestamps: When enabled, the Frame ID generated by the TimeKeeper is used as a time stamp.
    • Acceleration and Velocity: Select this checkbox to send centroid and/or LED position acceleration and velocity data.
      • Note: The Smoothing option on the Trackable Settings tab is enabled when Acceleration and Velocity checkbox is selected.
    • Output Raw Position: Select this checkbox to turn off the filter that is used for the acceleration and velocity data that was sent.
      • Notes:
        • Acceleration and velocity data is not 100% accurate due to inaccuracies that can occur, such as BTSensor jitter, poor BTSensor calibration, reflections and IR interference. This creates imperfect data or noise. Filtering the data is a way to correct any noise that enters the data.
        • Enabling Output Raw Position, or disabling Acceleration and Velocity will de-activate the smoothing slider from the Trackable Settings tab.
    • Zones: Select this checkbox to send Static and Dynamic Zones collision detection data for the selected Trackable over RTTrPM. Zones checkbox is selected by default.
      • Notes: 
        • When a Trackable or Beacon collides a Zone, that Zone is sent as part of the Zone Collision module.
        • If a Zone is not listed, the Trackable is not colliding with that Zone.

RTTrPM (Real-Time Tracking Protocol - Motion)

RTTrPM is the protocol that is used to stream to third party listeners that are interested in the position and orientation of a tracking point, relative to the origin of the coordinate system (as defined by the user). Go to https://rttrp.github.io/RTTrP-Wiki/RTTrPM.html to see RTTrPM Modules and Packet Structure information for Trackable, Centroid and Tracked Point Position, Orientation, Centroid and Tracked Point Acceleration and Velocity, and Zone Collision Detection.

Note: As new modules can be added to the RTTrPM protocol for different features, ensure the third party has written support for the apropriate module. Contact CAST or the Third Party for information.