
Offset Tab

Offset tab is where you configure LED Following Settings for selecting which individual LEDs of a BTBeacon assigned to follow a Trackable should follow.

FixtureSettingsOffset240  Fixture Settings - Offset tab

LED Following Settings

Each Trackable can have the LEDs of assigned BTBeacons tracked individually by the BTSystem. This can be used instead of the default setting which is the average position of all visible LEDs. Tracking can also be altered, to follow a Trackable but on an offset.

LED Following Settings drop-down menu is enabled for both moving and conventional fixtures. Enable Offset checkbox is enabled for moving fixtures and disabled for conventional fixtures.

To assign a fixture to an individual LED of a trackable

  1. In the Edit Chapters widget, select the chapter the fixture is in.
  2. On the center pane, click on the Trackable the fixture is assigned to.
  3. On the bottom pane, click on the Fixture Icon to select the fixture.
    • Result: The settings of the selected fixture will be displayed in the Fixture Settings widget.
  4. With the Fixture Icon selected, go to the Fixture Settings widget.
  5. On the LED Following Settings section, click on the drop-down menu and choose the LED you want to follow.
  6. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To offset the tracking of a trackable by a fixture

  1. In the Edit Chapters widget, select the chapter the fixture is in.
  2. On the center pane, click on the Trackable the fixture is assigned to.
  3. On the bottom pane, click on the Fixture Icon to select the fixture.
    • Result: The settings of the selected fixture will be displayed in the Fixture Settings widget.
  4. With the Fixture Icon selected, go to the Fixture Settings widget.
  5. Under the LED Following Settings section, select the Enable Offset checkbox to set the tracking offset from the X, Y, or Z axis.
  6. Under the Offset subsection, enter how far off from the centroid you want to offset tracking in the X, Y or Z axis by entering the values in the X, Y or Z fields.
  7. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.