
Modules Menu

ModulesMenu240   BlackTrax Modules Menu


The Modules menu launches these modules that are used with BlackTrax. If you are in full screen mode, selecting a module will exit full screen mode. 


  • Module Status: Displays the list of currently active modules. See Module Status page.
  • BTEngine: Launches the Tracker, Follower, Monitor, and Stage modules as background tracking modules with settings that are integrated within the Output Configuration window of the Settings menu. Tracking Adapter module is launched when an output is present in the project.
    • Tracker module is a background process that takes the positional data of a BTBeacon from the Motive module, the corresponding BTBeacon identification data from the BTRouter, and combines this data together.
    • Follower module is a background process that takes positional data from the Tracker, generates angle and DMX values for moving light fixtures, and forwards the data to other modules for their own use. BTWYSIWYG uses the data from Follower to virtualize real-time lighting tracking. Follower also listens to ArtNet/sACN from a console or from other sources.
    • Monitor module is a background process that maintains communication and command settings of multiple Tracking Adapters that were set in the Output Configuration window.
    • Stage module starts with BTEngine if the Legacy Mode option in the Sensors section of System Configuration is not selected. Stage is the background process that manages and connects to BTSensors when BTNet is enabled.
    • Tracking Adapter module is a background process that is an extension of Tracker's RTTrPM output. It is used by the BTSystem to customize RTTrPM data for Third Party use. The Tracking Adapter receives data provided by the Tracker module and customizes this data based on preferences configured in the Tracking Adapter. This customized data is then sent off to designated Third Party programs for their use.
  • BTWYG: Launches the BTWYG file associated with the currently open Portfolio.
  • Simulator: Identification and positional data of BTBeacons can be created, configured and managed in simulation. See Simulator Module page.
  • Cue: Realtime or simulated tracking data in BlackTrax can be recorded and saved as Chapters for playback. See Cue Module page.
  • Device Manager: Launches the Device Manager as an integrated software application module where external hardware used in the BlackTrax system can be accessed and managed directly through a PC. See BlackTrax Device Manager page.