
Main Panel of Device Manager

When Device Manager launches, it displays the table of connected devices for TimeKeepers, Routers, Beacons and Mini Beacons on the Main panel, and the docking widgets for Device Settings, Charging Stations, System Log, and the Charging Station Settings tab.

The Main panel (center area) of the Device Manager displays the table of connected devices for the TimeKeepers, Routers, Beacons and Mini Beacons that are connected to the BlackTrax. Click on the Device Type Filter drop-down to choose which type of device to display: All or TimeKeeper or Router or Beacon or Mini Beacon.

Note: TimeKeepers and Routers may be connected to a Charging Station via the USB port on the back of the unit.

The Beacon, Mini Beacon, TimeKeeper, Router devices listed in the Main panel can each be selected and the settings of the selected device will be displayed in the Device Settings widget and available for modification. You can also select multiple devices to apply several settings at once.

DeviceManager242   MainPanel Main panel of Device Manager

The configuration settings displayed in the Main panel are:

  • Refresh Selection: Click this button to update the selection in the list.
  • Device Type Filter: Click this button to choose which type of device to display, All or TimeKeeper or Router or Beacon or Mini Beacon.
  • ID: Identification number of the Beacon or Mini Beacon device. 
    • The Beacon ID is different from its 3 LED IDs (aside from Beacon 1).
    • The Mini Beacon ID is the same as its LED ID.
  • Trackable: Name of the Trackable to which this device is assigned within BlackTrax.
  • Type: The type of devices such as TimeKeeper, Router or Beacon or Mini Beacon. Click the column heading Type to change the order of the list.
  • Status: If the device is Connected or Disconnected.
  • Station: Identification of the Charging Station where the device is currently plugged, or USB if plugged via USB. Mini Beacons display the port where it is plugged in on the Sync Dock (for example: 101:1 is Port 1 on Sync Dock 101).
  • Battery: Percentage level of the battery life.
  • Radio: Shows if the radio signal from the connected device is On or Off. The Mini Beacons do not have radio and will not be reflected in this column.
  • Version: The firmware version of the connected device.
  • Preset: Displays the assigned Preset number if the settings of the connected device match a Preset configuration or Custom if the settings have been modified.
  • Calibration: Indicates if the device is a calibration Beacon.
  • Notes: Displays packets of feedback information that is sent to the device for firmware upload.

Note: When a device is added to the list, it stays in the table, even if disconnected (will display status as Closed). When a device is added again, it will compare the unique hardware IDs to determine if the same device or not, and will update its previous location in the table.