
File Menu


FileMenu235  BlackTrax File Menu


The File menu is where you can save, update, revert BlackTrax Projects and create Motive Projects. You can update a .btprj file with a .btx file from BTWYG, or via the Apply BTWYG Updates when new BTWYG information is sent to BlackTrax.

Other features that are available are being able to import and export calibration data, as well as exporting chapter programming data for reference as an .html file.

You can also exit BlackTrax from this menu.

Reverting to a Project History File

From the File menu, you can choose Revert Project to select and open a Project History file of the BlackTrax Portfolio that is currently in use.

To revert to a BlackTrax history file

  1.  From the File menu, choose Revert Project.
    • Result: The Revert Project dialog box appears showing the menu list of the dates and times of the saved Project History files.
    • Tip: 
      • You may click on the Revert Project icon on the main toolbar.
      • You may click on the Backup Date and Time arrow in the Revert Project dialog box to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
  2. In the Revert Project dialog box, click on a Backup Date and Time.
  3. Click Revert.
    • Result: The Project History backup file associated with the date and time displayed opens and the currently opened project is saved and archived in Project History.

Updating BTX Projects

If a BTWYSIWYG file (.btx) has been edited since it was used to make a BlackTrax project file (.btprj), Update BTX Projects can be used to update the BlackTrax project file. Any new .btx information will be carried over to the existing .btprj while maintaining any work you have already done to the project.

To update a BlackTrax project with new information from BTWYSIWYG via a .btx file

  1. From the File menu, choose Update Project.
    • Result: The Browse window appears.
  2. In the Browse window, navigate to the edited .btx file location, and select the file.
  3. Click Open.
    • Result: Information from the .btx file (e.g. fixtures, trackables, Space dimensions) will be loaded into BlackTrax project file (.btprj).

To update a BlackTrax project with new information from BTWYSIWYG directly

  1. In BTWYG, go to Live Mode
  2. From the Live menu, choose BlackTrax Panel (If BlackTrax panel is closed).
    • Result: The BlackTrax panel appears.
  3. Ensure BTWYG is connected to BlackTrax (if it is not, click connect).
  4. In the BlackTrax window, click BTX Apply.
  5. In BlackTrax, from File menu, choose Apply BTWYG Updates.

Saving BlackTrax Projects

BlackTrax projects are saved as a ".btprj file". Save Project will save the open BlackTrax project to the same file name and location under which it was previously saved.

To save a BlackTrax project using Save Project

  1. To save the current project, from the File menu, click Save.
    • Result: The currently open project is saved in the portfolio and a Project History backup (.btbak) file is created.

Importing Sensor Calibration

If BlackTrax is not in Legacy Mode, you can import sensor calibration data to configure current calibration.

The Sensor Calibration menu is only available if the Legacy Mode checkbox in the Sensor section of the System Configuration widget is not selected. The Legacy Mode checkbox is selected by default when BlackTrax opens for the first time. For more information on Legacy Mode, see Sensors Section in System Configuration.

To import sensor calibration data

  1. From the File menu, choose Import and then choose Sensor Calibration View.
    • Result: The Browse window appears.
  2. Browse and open the ".cal" file.
    • Result: The sensor settings stored in the ".cal" file is loaded.
  3. On the Status Bar, click Apply Changes.
    • Result: The calibration settings in the ".cal" file are applied to the current project that is connected to the sensor network.

Importing and Exporting Fixture Calibration Data

You can import and export fixture calibration data to be used at a later date. This is useful to backup just calibration data, as well as exporting calibration data to be used in lighting consoles. In both cases for import and export, if no fixtures are selected in Calibration Views > Fixture View window, then all fixtures with calibration data will be exported/imported. If fixtures are selected, then only the selected fixtures will export/import.

To import fixture calibration data

  1. From the File menu, choose Import and then choose Fixture Calibration.
    • Result: The Browse window appears.  
  2. Browse to the .btcal file and open it.
    • Result: The calibration data stored in the .btcal is applied.

To export fixture calibration data

  1. From the File menu, choose Export then choose Fixture Calibration.
    • Result: The Export Calibration browse window appears.
  2. Under file type, select if you want to export .btcal (for importing back into a .btprj file) or .xml (for importing into lighting consoles or other devices).
  3. Browse to the folder you wish to save the file.
  4. Click Save.
    • Result: All calibrated fixture data is exported.

Importing and Exporting Output Configuration Data

You can import and export output configuration data to configure the current tracking output or store tracking output data for later use.

To import output configuration data

  1. From the File menu, choose Import and then choose Outputs.
    • Result: The Browse window appears.
  2. Browse to the .btoc file and open it.
    • Result: The Output Import Details window appears. The table in the Output Import Details window displays the output configuration settings that will be imported into your project.   OutputImportDetails CreateNew    OutputImportDetails CreateDelete    OutputImportDetails Overwrite Existing  
  3. In the Output Import Details window, select the checkbox of the following options:
    • Create New: This option will create the new outputs as defined in the New Outputs section.
    • Delete Existing: This option will delete any outputs in the Deleting Outputs section. These existing outputs are already present in the BlackTrax project.
    • Overwrite Existing: The current output configuration defined in the Existing Outputs section will be replaced with the settings of the output configuration being imported.
    • Note: The checkbox will only appear if an output being imported has that option (i.e. Check New will only appear if there are new outputs).
  4. If an output data with the same name is already present in your file, the changes will be highlighted, and you are given the option to overwrite the current output with these new settings.
  5. The Output Configuration data stored in the .btoc is applied to the current project in BlackTrax.

To export output configuration data

  1. From the File menu, choose Export and then choose Outputs.
    • Result: The Export Calibration window appears.
  2. Under file type, select if you want to export .btoc.
  3. Browse to the folder you wish to save the file.
  4. Click Save.
    • Result: All Output Configuration data is exported to the selected folder.

Note: The project file must first be saved before you can export output configurations.

Exporting a Show Report

You can export a show report from the Export menu, which contains all the information regarding the programming of the show, including chapters, trackables, and Frames.

To export a show report

  1. From the File menu, choose Export and then choose Show Report.
    • The Export Show Report window appears.
  2. Browse to where you would like to save the file and click on Save.
    • Result: The file is saved and contains all project information as of the export in an .html format.

Closing BlackTrax

You can close BlackTrax from the file menu, at which point it will ask you to save the project, if changes were detected.

To close BlackTrax

  1. From the File menu, choose Exit BlackTrax.
  2. If prompted, save or discard project changes.
    • Result: The GUI is now closed.