
Edit Menu


The Edit menu is where you can undo or redo your changes, or discard your changes and revert back to the last time you hit the Apply Changes button.



If you want to reverse the last action you applied, you can easily reverse the action by using the Undo tool available on the Edit menu.


If you did not want to reverse the previous undo action you applied, you can easily reverse the previous undo action by using the Redo tool available on the Edit menu.

Discard Changes

Each time you click Apply Changes, a snapshot is created of the current editing and live space. As you make changes, Changes: Blind will highlight in the status bar, alerting you that new changes have not been made live. Normally, you would click on Apply Changes to apply your new edits live to the stage, but in the event you wish to discard your changes and revert back to the last time you click Apply Changes:

To discard your changes

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Discard Changes.
  2. Click Yes to confirm you wish to discard all changes.
    • Result: All changes are discarded back to the last time you clicked Apply Changes.