
Edit Books Widget


When BlackTrax is in Multi Book mode, Chapters can be created, edited, saved and managed as part of a Book or Books. In the Edit Books widget, a Book with Chapters can be created, removed, re-ordered or selected for editing. The Chapters in the selected Book will be displayed in the Edit Chapters widget for editing.

EditBooks202 Edit Books Widget


The following actions can be performed from the Edit Books widget:

To select a chapter from a book

  1. In the Edit Books widget, from the table list of Books, click on the Book that contains the Chapter you want to select.
    • Result: The list of Chapters available in the selected Book are displayed in the Edit Chapters widget. You can proceed to select the Chapter from the Edit Chapters widget.

To create a new book

  1. In the Edit Books widget, click the Plus button.
    • Result: A blank Book is created in the Book list below the currently selected Book.
  2. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To create a copy of an existing book

Copying a Book will copy all the Chapters in the selected Book, including fixture and Trackable relationships in all the Chapters in the selected Book.

  1. In the Edit Books widget, select the Book you want to copy.
  2. Click the Copy selected book button.
    • Result: A copy of the Book is created in the Books list below the currently selected Book.
  3. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To delete a book

  1. In the Edit Books widget, select the Book you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.
    • Result: A dialog box appears asking if you really want to delete the Book.
  3. Click Yes to confirm deletion.
  4. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To move books in the books List

  1. In the Edit Books widget, select the Book you want to move.
  2. Click the Up Arrow or Down Arrow button.
  3. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To name a book

  1. In the Edit Books widget, double-click the Name field of the selected Book.
  2. Write the name of the Book in the Name field.
  3. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.

To write a description of a book

  1. In the Edit Books widget, double-click the Description field of the selected Book.
  2. Write the description in the Description field.
  3. For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.