
Charging Station Settings

The Charging Stations Settings widget is where you configure the settings of a selected remote Charging Station or Sync Dock. When you select a Charging Station or Sync Dock in the Charging Stations widget, the settings of the selected Charging Station or Sync Dock will be displayed in the Charging Station Settings widget.

ChargingStationSettings Beta  

  • Selected Device: Identification number of the selected Charging Station or Sync Dock.
  • CS ID/IP: Type the ID of the selected Charging Station or Sync Dock, then click Apply.
  • Loaded Firmware: In this section, a device firmware can be located, selected and uploaded into the selected Charging Station or Sync Dock. 

To upload a firmware

  1. Click Browse and select the firmware file and load into the memory.
  2. Click Upload.
    • Result: The upload proceeds and the firmware upload process is displayed in the Status section.
  3. Device Manager checks if the selected device matches the firmware.
  4. The firmware update is complete, a checksum is performed to verify the upload.
  5. When checksum is complete, the device reboots.
  • Status: Displays the current state of the firmware in the selected device.
    • Not Ready (no file loaded)
    • Ready (file loaded/previous flash complete)
    • Preparing...(jumping to boot loader)
    • Flashing...(Actually flashing the device)
    • Verifying...(checksum)
    • Finishing up...(jumping to main)