To set preset Beacons
The use of Preset Beacon numbers acts as an easy and convenient way to configure all perimeters of Beacons without manually entering all settings.
- Connect the Charging Station to the BlackTrax System.
- Open the Device Manager.
- From the table in the Main panel of the Device Manager, select a Beacon.
- On the Preset Beacon scroll box of the Device Settings widget, scroll and select the Preset Beacon number.
- Click Apply.
- Result: All the pre-programmed settings associated with Preset Beacon number is applied to the selected Beacon.
- Note:
- Current Preset displays the current preset settings under a preset Beacon ID (i.e. 3, Calibration).
- You may select several Beacons which assigns all Beacons with a different preset number, incrementing by 1.
- Select the Calibration Beacon checkbox if you want to set the Beacon as a calibration unit.
- Result: The Calibration Beacon is set at Time Slot 1 and IMU is enabled. A Calibration Beacon automatically transmits signal packets faster.
- Note: To unassign a Beacon as a Calibration Beacon, you must uncheck the checkbox and re-apply the Preset Beacon.
Example of the Preset Beacon settings:
- Current Preset: 2
- Wireless Channel: 26
- Subnet: 35
- LED Brightness: 3ms
To upload firmware from device settings
- In the Device Settings widget of a selected device, click Browse and select the firmware file and load into memory.
- Click Upload.
- Result: The upload proceeds and the firmware upload process is displayed in the Status section.
- Device Manager checks if the selected device matches the firmware.
- The firmware update begins.
- When firmware update is complete, a checksum is performed to verify the upload.
- When checksum is complete, the device reboots.
- Status resets to display "Ready" if a file is loaded, or "Not Ready" if no file is loaded.
To program charging stations
When Device Manager opens, all devices that are connected to the Charging Station are automatically displayed in the Device Manager widget showing the connection status and the latest applied settings.
- Select a Charging Station from the list in the Charging Stations widget.
- If you added or replugged a Charging Station to the system, click Connect to check the network for any Charging Station on the system.
- Note: When you add a new Charging Station into the system or if the Charging Station was unplugged from the system, you may need to enable the connection again.
- If you added or replugged a Charging Station with Beacons, click Get Beacon List to poll the Charging Stations and update the main list with any connected Beacons.
- Note: When you add a new Charging Station into the system or if the Charging Station was unplugged from the system, you may need to refresh the list of devices connected to the Charging Station.
To upload firmware from charging station settings
- Select a Charging Station from the Charging Stations widget.
- Result: The Charging Station Settings widget displays the settings of the selected Charging Station.
- In the Charging Station Settings widget of the selected Charging Station, click Browse and select the firmware file and load into memory.
- Click Upload.
- Device Manager checks if the firmware matches the selected device and proceeds to update.
To configure TimeKeeper for USB camera system
Note: Connect the TimeKeeper to the BlackTrax server via a USB cable.
- Open Device Manager.
- From the Widgets menu of the Device Manager, choose Advanced Mode.
- Click Yes.
- On the Main panel, select the TimeKeeper.
- On the Advanced Device Settings window, select Any legacy command typed down below from the Commands drop-down menu.
- Ensure Trace is enabled. The status log reports show - > as an indicator at the beginning of the line.
- If Trace is disabled, type "t 0".
- Result: - > appears in the status log reports.
- On the Parameters field, type "t 51 9".
- Click Send Command.
- Type "t 0" again to disable Trace.
- Result: - > disappears from the status log reports.
Attention: After completing these steps, you must select Basic Mode from the Widgets menu to close the Advanced Mode window.