Basic tab is where you configure general settings of a fixture. Set Beam Control, Intensity Control, and Following Sensitivity for moving fixtures and conventional fixtures.
Configure the beam size of moving fixtures using zoom or iris, control the pan-flips function then set the sensitivity of the fixture that follows the trackable.
Configure the beam size of conventional fixtures using BTWYSIWYG Profile or custom, then enable smooth pickups and auto douse.
Beam Control
In BlackTrax you can set beam size of moving fixtures in Automated Mode or set the beam size of conventional and moving fixtures in Static Mode.
Automated Mode
BlackTrax will use the iris and zoom features of a moving fixture to control its beam size while following a Trackable. The beam setting of a moving fixture is linked to the chapter it was created in. Fixtures can be in multiple chapters and have different beam sizes in each chapter.
If both zoom and iris control are enabled, the BTSystem will tell the fixture to first use zoom control to shape the beam size. Using both the iris and zoom can increase the range.
Static Mode
BlackTrax will use the fixture's BTWYSIWYG Profile Size or you can set a Custom Beam Degree.
You can assign a conventional fixture to a Zone and a Trackable, to the same Zone, which will make the Zone Dynamic. When you assign the conventional fixture to the Trackable in Static Mode, you can trigger the conventional fixture to switch On or Off when the Trackable enters the Zone.
To control the beam size of a fixture in automated mode
- In the Chapter widget, select the chapter the fixture is in.
- On the center pane, click on the Trackable the fixture is assigned to.
- On the bottom pane, click on the Fixture Icon to select the fixture.
- Result: The settings of the selected fixture are displayed in the Fixture Settings widget.
- With the Fixture Icon selected, go to the Fixture Settings widget.
- On the Beam Control section of the Basic tab, click on the drop-down menu and select Automated Mode.
- Result: Enable Iris Control and Enable Zoom Control checkboxes are displayed.
- Select Enable Iris Control and/or Enable Zoom Control checkboxes.
- Result: The Beam Diameter and Distance Range settings are displayed.
- On the Beam Diameter scroll box, click on the Up or Down arrows or type the value for the desired beam diameter (in meters).
- Result: The Distance Range displays at what distance from the fixture the beam diameter can be maintained.
- For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.
To control the beam size of a fixture in static mode
- In the Chapter widget, select the chapter the fixture is in.
- On the center pane, click on the Trackable the fixture is assigned to.
- On the bottom pane, click on the Fixture Icon to select the moving or conventional fixture.
- Result: The settings of the selected fixture are displayed in the Fixture Settings widget.
- With the Fixture Icon selected, go to the Fixture Settings widget.
- On the Beam Control section of the Basic tab, click on the drop-down menu and select Static Mode.
- Result: Use Profile Size and Use Custom Size checkboxes are displayed.
- Select Use Profile Size checkbox or Use Custom Size checkbox.
- Result: The non-editable Beam Degrees value is displayed if Use Profile Size is selected. The editable Beam Degrees value is displayed if Use Custom Size is selected.
- If you selected the Use Custom Size checkbox, on the Beam Degrees scroll box, click on the Up or Down arrows or type the value for the desired beam angle.
- Note:
- When you select Use Custom Size in Static Mode, BlackTrax attempts to control the Zoom/Iris feature if available in the fixture.
- When you select Use Profile Size in Static Mode, beam control returns to the lighting console (default).
- Note:
- For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.
Intensity Control
The Fade Time and Additional Doused Time features in the Pan-Flip section manages how a fixture performs a pan-flip during tracking in the chapter. The time it takes for a fixture to complete a pan-flip is determined by the speed of the fixture's pan/tilt motors as defined in WYSIWYG.
Fade Time sets the length of time it takes for a fixture to douse and then restore after pan stops. Fade Time applies to the operation of the fade itself when the fixture freezes in place, douses out, performs the pan-flip, then fades back up using the specified time. The default Fade Time value is 0 which snaps the fixture off as in previous versions.
Additional Doused Time adds delay time before the fixture fades back up. (For example, in cases where the fixture is slower than the WYSIWYG settings on file)
To set fade time and additional doused time
- In the Edit Chapters widget, select the chapter the fixture is in.
- On the center pane, click on the Trackable the fixture is assigned to.
- On the bottom pane, click on the Fixture Icon to select the fixture.
- Result: The settings of the selected fixture are displayed in the Fixture Settings widget.
- With the Fixture Icon selected, go to the Basic tab in the Fixture Settings widget.
- On the Fade Time scroll box under the Pan-Flip section, click the Up or Down arrows or type a value to add extra pan-flip douse time.
- On the Additional Doused Time scroll box under the Pan-Flip section, click the Up or Down arrows or type a value to add extra pan-flip douse time.
- Note: The range of time is limited to 0-3 seconds.
- For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.
- If another Pan-Flip occurs before the current fade is complete, the fixture will finish the fade, perform the new pan-flip, then fade back up.
- If the fixture performs two Pan-Flips in the same direction while the light is still fading out, it will cancel both Pan-Flips and move to the new position while fading back up as it will be back within the original pan range.
Auto Dimming
Note: For conventional LED fixtures without a built-in intensity or dimmer channel, BlackTrax substitutes a virtual dimmer for RGB or RGBW to control Intensity. The Virtual Dimmer that was used will be reported in the BTWYG Patch widget.
Smooth Pickups
This feature turns the fixture On once as a single event per chapter, only when the Beacon is visible.
- BlackTrax checks for motion at the beginning of the chapter.
- BlackTrax automatically douses the fixture to 0 if motion is not detected. When motion is seen, the fixture fades in to console control over the fade time specified once the Trackable Visible For: time has elapsed (motion must be seen continuously during this time for the fade to start).
- When completed, the Smooth Pickups feature is disabled for the remainder of the chapter.
- Smooth Pickups is disabled by default.
To enable and set smooth pickups
- In the Chapter widget, select the chapter the fixture is in.
- On the center pane, click on the Trackable the fixture is assigned to.
- On the bottom pane, click on the Fixture Icon to select the fixture.
- Result: The settings of the selected fixture are displayed in the Fixture Settings widget.
- With the Fixture Icon selected, go to the Fixture Settings widget.
- Under the Auto Dimming section of the Basic tab, select the checkbox Smooth Pickups checkbox.
- Result: Trackable Visible For and Fade-in Time scroll boxes are displayed.
- Click on the Trackable Visible For scroll box to set the length of time required for a Trackable to be visible and the light to fade-in.
- Click on the Fade-in Time scroll box to set how long the light fades-in.
- For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.
Auto Douse
This feature turns the fixture On only when the Beacon is visible and as an ongoing event all throughout the course of the chapter.
- If all LEDs of the patched Beacon becomes hidden, BlackTrax automatically douses the fixture to 0 (from console control) after the reaction time is complete.
- BlackTrax automatically fades in the fixture when at least one LED is visible and after the reaction time is complete.
- Reaction time is the length of time required for motion to be visible, or to be hidden before the fade time starts.
To enable and set auto douse
- In the Chapter widget, select the chapter the fixture is in.
- On the center pane, click on the Trackable the fixture is assigned to.
- On the bottom pane, click on the Fixture Icon to select the fixture.
- Result: The settings of the selected fixture are displayed in the Fixture Settings widget.
- With the Fixture Icon selected, go to the Fixture Settings widget.
- Under the Auto Dimming section of the Basic tab, select the Auto Douse checkbox.
- Result: The Reaction Time, Fade-In Time, and Fade-Out Time, scroll boxes are displayed.
- Click on the Reaction Time scroll box to set the length of hidden or visible time for fade time to start.
- Click on the Fade-In Time scroll box to set how long the light fades-in.
- Click on the Fade-Out Time scroll box to set how long the light fades-out.
- For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.
Following Sensitivity
Sensitivity determines exactly how a fixture is supposed to follow a Trackable. The prediction algorithms takes the current BTBeacon and fixture information and makes an informed prediction on where the Trackable will be next. The BTSystem will then be able to anticipate where the fixture needs to aim to keep tracking tight on the Trackable.
The prediction algorithm available are:
- None: No prediction is used.
- Note: When the Following Sensitivity is set to None or Multiple, the Ahead Time and Delay Time settings and options are not displayed.
- Standard Prediction: Taking the pan and tilt settings of fixtures following the Trackable, a Kalman filter is used to estimate the velocity and position of the fixture. A prediction of the fixture's future pan/tilt values is then created.
- Delay: Fixtures will follow a Trackable’s position after a set amount of time. This causes fixtures to follow behind moving Trackables. Useful for effects.
- Linear Prediction: Taking the current BTBeacon position as input, a Kalman filter is used to estimate the velocity, and position of the Trackable. A prediction of the Trackable’s future movement is then created.
- Second Order Prediction: Taking the current BTBeacon position as input, a Kalman filter is used to estimate the acceleration, velocity, and position of the Trackable. A prediction of the Trackable’s future movement is then created.
- Second Order+Prediction: Taking the pan and tilt settings of fixtures following the Trackable, a Kalman filter is used to estimate the acceleration, velocity, and position of the fixture. A prediction of the fixture’s future pan/tilt values is then created.
Fixture responsiveness can also be configured with prediction. Fixture responsiveness is measured on a scale of -4 (Smooth) to 2 (Responsive).
- Smooth: A fixture set to smooth will follow Trackables in a fluid manner. This may appear as a delay in extreme cases.
- Responsive: A fixture set to responsive will jump to and track every slight movement of a Trackable. This may appear very jumpy in extreme cases.
Note: It is recommended that you test a fixture’s prediction prior to use, to determine if the chosen prediction movement is right for your tracking needs.
To assign an algorithm to a fixture
- In the Chapter widget, select the chapter the fixture is in.
- On the center pane, click on the Trackable the fixture is assigned to.
- On the bottom pane, click on the Fixture Icon to select the fixture.
- Result: The settings of the selected fixture are displayed in the Fixture Settings widget.
- With the Fixture Icon selected, go to the Fixture Settings widget.
- Under the Following Sensitivity section in the Basic tab, select the desired sensitivity from the Sensitivity drop-down menu.
- If you want the fixture to be tracking ahead of where the Trackable will be, enter how far ahead in time (milliseconds) in the Ahead Time field.
- Assign how reactive you want the fixture to follow by adjusting the Turner value slider to between Smooth or Responsive.
- For the changes to take effect, click Apply Changes.