
BTSensor Calibration Settings

After BTSensors are placed and orientated with overlapping views around the Space, BlackTrax requires that all BTSensors be calibrated. Calibration enables BlackTrax to know BTSensor positions relative to each other and the floor. This spatial awareness of the Space is required for tracking to be accurate. Before BTSensor calibration can occur, certain settings in Motive must be configured.

In Motive, calibration data for each BTSensor position, orientation, and lens parameters are saved as standalone calibration CAL (.cal) file format which can be exported to a desired location for later use. See the corresponding To export a calibration CAL file section below.

Motive can be set for Continuous Calibration where the system continuously monitors BTSensor movements and readjusts the BTSensor calibration accordingly. See the corresponding To configure Motive for continuous calibration section below.

Motive 2.2

To configure BTSensors for calibration

  1. In Motive, change the layout to Calibration preset. From the Layout menu, choose Calibration.
    • Tip: You may click the drop-down box at the right-hand side of the main toolbar and click Calibration from the drop-down menu of layout presets.
  2. Go to the Devices window.
    • Note: To quickly configure a BTSensor for calibration, change the preset setting of the BTSensor to Tracking then proceed to Step 7 in this section.
  3. On the Devices window, click the group name to select the camera group.                                         DevicesPane2 2                                       
  4. With the camera group selected in the Devices window, go to the Properties window.                      Properties2 2  
  5. In the General Settings section of the Properties window, set Video Mode to Object for tracking and calibration.
  6. Turn the IR Filter toggle On.
  7. Go to the Application Settings window and click the Live Reconstruction tab.
  8. On the Live Reconstruction tab, click the Marker Labeling Mode drop-down box and select Active and Passive Markers or Passive Markers Only to set for calibration.                                                ApplicationSettingsMarkerLabellingMode2 2  

Note: Select Active Markers Only or Active and Passive Markers to set for tracking.

To configure Motive for continuous calibration

BTSensors must have already been calibrated if Continuous Calibration will be used.

  1. In Calibration preset layout, go to the Application Settings window.
  2. On the Application Settings window, click the Live Reconstruction tab.
  3. On the Live Reconstruction tab, click the Continuous Calibration drop-down box and select Continuous.
    • Result: Motive monitors and updates the BTSensor calibration continuously. The system uses the motion of Beacons onstage to update any slight changes needed for the BTSensor calibration without the need for manual refinements.
    • Notes:
      • If you use this feature, select the Continuous option. The Continuous+Bumped Camera option can be used in controlled situations. As this option is more aggressive, it should not be used during show conditions, and only when you have the time to perform a manual calibration if needed.
      • You can use the Status Log window to see if the system has updated the BTSensor calibration. Click View > Staus Log Pane to open.

To export a calibration CAL file

  1. In the Calibration preset layout, click the File menu and choose Export Camera Calibration.
    • Result: The Export Camera Calibration window appears.
  2. Navigate to the location where the calibration file will be saved.
  3. In the File name field, type the name of the calibration (.cal) file.
  4. Click the Export button.
    • Result: The calibration results are preserved as a ".cal" file which can be loaded into Motive.

To open and restore a calibration CAL file

  1. In Motive, from the File menu, choose Open.
    • Result: The Open window appears.
  2. Navigate and select the calibration (.cal) file you wish to open and restore.
  3. Click Open.
    • Result: The saved calibration data will be restored in Motive.

Motive 2

In Motive, calibration data for each BTSensor position, orientation and lens parameters are saved as standalone calibration CAL (.cal) file format which can be exported to a desired location for later use. See To export a calibration CAL file below.

Motive can be set for Continuous Calibration where the system continuously monitors BTSensor movements and readjusts the BTSensor calibration accordingly. See  To configure Motive for continuous calibration below.

To configure BTSensors for calibration

  1. In Motive, change the layout to Calibration preset. From the Layout menu, choose Calibration.
    • Tip: You may click the drop-down box at the right-hand side of the main toolbar and click Calibration from the drop-down menu of layout presets.
  2. Go to the Devices window.
    • Note: To quickly configure a BTSensor for calibration, change the preset setting of the BTSensor to Tracking then proceed to Step 7 in this section.
  3. In the Devices window, select the camera group by clicking on the group name.                                  DevicesGroup CameraSettings  
  4. While the sensor group is still selected, click the Properties section for the sensor group.
  5. Click the Camera Settings section and set the Video Type field to Object Mode for tracking and calibration.
  6. Set the Filter Switch field to  Infrared Spectrum.
  7. Go to the Application Settings window and click the Live Reconstruction tab.
  8. On the Live Reconstruction tab, click the Marker Labelling Mode drop-down box and select Active and Passive Markers or Passive Markers Only to set for calibration.                                           ApplicationSettings MarkerLabellingMode  

Note: Select Active Markers Only or Active and Passive Markers to set for tracking.    

To configure Motive for continuous calibration

BTSensors must have already been calibrated if Continuous Calibration will be used.

  1. In the Calibration preset layout, go to the Application Settings window.
  2. On the Application Settings window, click the Live Reconstruction tab.
  3. On the Live Reconstruction tab, click Continuous Calibration.
  4. On the Continuous Calibration drop-down menu, select Continuous.
    • Result: Motive monitors and updates the BTSensor calibration continuously. The system uses the motion of Beacons on stage to update any slight changes needed for the BTSensor calibration without the need for manual refine. 


  • If you use this feature, select the Continuous option. The Continuous+Bumped option can be used in controlled situations. As this option is more agressive, it should not be used during show conditions, and only when the user would have time to perform a manual calibration if needed.
  • You can use the Status Log window to see if the system has updated the BTSensor calibration. Click View > Status Log Pane to open.
  • If the calibration has been updated, you can use Export Camera Calibration to export the current BTSensor calibration. (see the following section below)

To export a calibration CAL file

  1. In the Calibration preset layout, click the File menu.
  2. From the File menu, choose Export Camera Calibration.
    • Result: The Export Camera Calibration window appears.
  3. Navigate to the location where the calibration file will be saved.
  4. In the File name field, type the name of the calibration .cal file.
  5. Click the Export button.
    • Result: The calibration results are preserved as a .cal file which can be loaded into Motive.

To open and restore a calibration CAL file

  1. In Motive, from the File menu, choose Open.
    • Result: The Open window appears.
  2. Navigate and select the .cal file you wish to open and restore.
  3. Click Open.
    • Result: The saved calibration data will be restored in Motive.